Welcome to the home of continuous micro-learning. A mastermind like no
other, where minds are transformed.
A safe space space where women of African descent experience humanity, empathy, and vulnerability as ordinary.
It is Africa’s time! Yes.... let our beauty
shine in everything we touch. Give
yourself the gift of a spiritual practice.
Jean is a great listener...
“Jean is incredibly intuitive, a wonderful listener, and highly pragmatic..."
2020 was a game-changer
“2020 was one of the best years of my life. Thank you for guiding me through whatever was holding me back."
My life vision keeps growing!
“The one thing that is synonymous with my exponential growth trajectory is Jean Adero..."
I'm crystal clear...
“I lost my vibe, but Design Your Life helped get it back. Now I'm crystal clear about my future..."
I chose love over fear...
“I had an 'aha' moment about living in fear (instead of love), and everything changed"
My best career decision...
“Joining Design Your Life was the best career decision I made in my life. I'm so glad I did."
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